Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fresh pickings

So I guess I’m a gardener now, an old woman who plays in her garden and drinks loads of tea

I got on the train with a friend the other day and made her look at the photos I’d taken of my garden, and I’ve been showing it off all through Christmas and want to talk about it with everyone and anyone who’ll dare pretend to listen.

But now, I’ve found an alternative, a better option I suppose. THE INTERNET!! Because you can’t refuse, you have to listen. And by you, i mean the world wide web which doesn’t really have a heart or soul to care anyway....

IMG_4243.jpgOh well, it’s a place to ramble. SO. This is my garden, you can’t really see it, since you’re not really here, but these are some of the plants I’m growing. It’s mostly a herb garden, it started with some basil, some coriander, mint and some grape tomatoes (which the pictures do no justice for, they are going absolutely insane!).

I also planted some lavender coz it smells sooo good, but they haven’t really taken off yet – not as fast growing as the herbs, i planted a dwarf lime which has the same issue, maybe next Christmas i’ll get some limes! Since then the garden’s really developed i think, the rule of thumb is that anything that grows has to smell really good or be edible. My nursery man made me break that rule when he told me to plant some flowers to climb up this ladder I have in the garden... hmm you really need to see it. Next time I’ll put a picture of the whole garden. So anyway, I’ve gotta go out now but you’ve had a taste... kind of... I have, and the taste is wonderful! The herbs are delicious and the tomatoes are the sweetest I’ve ever had!

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